Über den HTML-Profi-Editor ist die einfache Erstellung individueller
Newsletterdesigns in 4 Schritten auch ohne jegliche HTML-Vorkenntnisse
möglich. Fans und Interessierte können sich über die
Newsletter-Funktion auf dem DooLoad-Profil direkt in den Verteiler
eintragen. Weiterhin ist es möglich, E-Mails zu verwalten und
eigene Vorlagen für Designs abzuspeichern.
As a provider of music services for musicians
and labels, DooLoad offers the combination of digital distribution,
publishing service, artist tools, download store and community.
With it, DooLoad consequently distance itself from pure self-expression
and concentrates on offering professional tools for self-marketing.
DooLoad enables musicians to create their career in the music business
by themselves from the beginning to the end. 2006 founded by enthusiastic
berlin people as a music community, DooLoad acts as a worldwide
digital music distributor and independent music supporter. Sell your music the easy way.