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Online: zuletzt 16.01.2008
ich suche: Capoeira  
Hobbies: Capoeira,Tauchen,Tanz  
Instrument: Berimbau,Atabaque,Pandeiro,Agogo,Recoco  
  Profilaufrufe   903  
  Profilbewertung   noch keine  

  Name:   MannheimCapoeira
Geschlecht: Männlich
Alter: 54
Motto: Capoeira
PLZ: 68***
Stadt: Mannheim
Größe: 170
Gewicht: 65
Augenfarbe: Braun
Haarfarbe: Negro
Beruf: Capoeira Professor
Sternzeichen: Skorpion

   Über mich:
Capoeira History

Due to many circumstances, the history of Capoeira, in part, is obscure. There are many documents and facts that can be proven, but there is also much speculation and correct and incorrect conclusions that can not be proven. There is also the popular romanticism and stories that come from the past, for generations, without historic foundation but that is accepted by many. The reality is that there are always questions without responses.

The history of Capoeira, ironically through its' destiny, reflects the actual jogo (game) de Capoeira. In some ways it's a charade and full of mandinga (secrets/deception). In my 27 years of Capoeira I have heard many different responses for the same question. I have read numerous books, which speak of the same subject but take totally different angles. I have spoken with and listened to, attentively, the opinion of many mestres old and young, famous and unknown. I can say that I have already read 99 percent of the published books about Capoeira, some good and some bad. I have heard many different berimbau rhythms with the same name.

I have seen many of the same movements with different names. I know of cordao graduations with the same level in different colors. I have seen many rodas, many mestres and many capoeiristas but to none has Capoeira revealed all of its' history. Because of this, there will always be questions without exact answers. And because of this I suggest to all who are interested in Capoeira and its' history, read as much as possible about the subject and discover its' various angles. The following information that you are about to read doesn't completely reflect my way of thinking. The following information reflects various opinions from various authors*, some of which I don't completely agree with but I respect and recommend their work. - Wagner Bueno
The Beginning

In 1500's the Portuguese, led by explorer Pedro Alvares Cabral, arrived in Brazil. One of the first measures taken by the new arrivals was the subjugation of the local population, the Brazilian Indians, in order to furnish the Portuguese with slave labor (for sugarcane and cotton). The experience with the aborigines was a failure. The Indians quickly died in captivity or fled to their nearby homes. The Portuguese then began to import slave labor from Africa.

On the other side of the Atlantic, free men and women were captured, loaded onto ghastly slave ships and sent on nightmarish voyages that for most would end in perpetual bondage. The Africans first arrived by the hundreds and later by the thousands (approximately four million in total).Three major African groups contributed in large numbers to the slave population in Brazil, the Sudanese group, composed largely of Yoruba and Dahomean peoples, the Mohammedanized Guinea-Sudanese groups of Malesian and Hausa peoples, and the "Bantu" groups (among them Kongos, Kimbundas, and Kasanjes) from Angola, Congo and Mozambique.
The Forefathers

Who or what is responsible for Capoeira? Where did the foundation of capoeira come from? That is the eternal question that can never really be answered. The Bantu groups are believed to have been the foundation for the birth of Capoeira. They brought with them, from Africa, their culture, a culture that was not stored away in books and museums but rather in the body, mind, heart and soul. A culture that was transmitted from father to son, throughout generations. There was candomble', a religion; the berimbau, a musical instrument; vatapa, a food; and so many other things. Basically a way of life.
Fighting Banck

The Dutch controlled parts of the northeast between 1624 and 1654. Slaves took steps towards reconquest of their freedom when the Dutch lashed out against the Portuguese colony, invading towns and plantations along the northeastern coast concentrating on Recife and Salvador. With each Dutch invasion the security of the plantations and towns were weakened. The slaves taking advantage of the opportunities, fled, plunging into the forests in search of places in which to hide and survive. Many after escaping founded independent villages called quilombos.

The quilombos were very important to evolution of Capoeira. There were at least ten major quilombos with internal socio-economic organizations and commercial relationships with neighboring cities. The quilombo dos Palmraes lasted sixty-seven years in the interior of the state of Alagoas, rebuffing almost all expeditions sent to extinguish it. Because of the consistency and type of threat present, Capoeira developed it's structure as a fight in the quilombos. The embryo of Capoeira as a rudimentary fighting style was created in the slaves' quarters and perhaps would not have developed further if left only to that environment.

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